Insulation Experts
About Us


Fire Brick Lining
Laying of fire brick lining of any complexity. Our skilled employees will evaluate the condition of the fire brick lining and advise you on how to lay a new one. We will perform thermal calculations and select the best refractory material. Our range of services also includes heating the fire brick lining to 800 °C.

Fireplaces and Stoves
In addition to industrial fire brick lining, we build fireplaces and stoves and carryout the facing of fireplace inserts. We carry out repairs and maintenance of existing chimneys. We advise on fire safety and issue permits for the operation of stoves and fireplaces.

We offer various types of design for both industrial and private customers, as well as provide related technical advice. We perform owner’s supervision and independent expert assessment. The design work is carried out on the basis of terms of reference, architectural drawings and the property’s interior design plans and specifications.

Diamond Concrete Cutting and Drilling
It often happens that when designing or planning it is not possible to take into account all the nuances. We offer services for cutting concrete elements and openings, as well as drilling technological holes.
We have been trusted for over 6 years
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